I googled it the other day that we need to take somewhere for the passes but no idea that for which passes. Thank God there's someone with a bad of Fan Zone passes in front of the entrance.
Unfortunately, hubby's stuck with SLR since the guard said no DSLR is allowed. What kinda of concert didnt allow any SLR? (booooo!) Naseb la office die dkat je, so he went up stairs to keep his camera and perform his maghrib, me on the other hand waiting him at Mesra cafe downstairs.
The concert starts quite late and I am impressed with the management of having the concern to stop the music for Isya'a and Maghrib prayers but hubby said 'they just want to delay je tu'. Kinda true because it starts almost 9PM.
The give us balls to kill time.
Aishah Sinclair and Will Quah as Friday's emcee.
Emcee keep on giving free gift but unfortunately we were far from the stage. But we get free these two:
Kipas tangan sangat membantu ok!
The first performance by Yuna and her band. She sang Super Something, Penakut, Dan Sebenarnya and Rehab by Amy Winehouse. Nice performance and just the same like what you heard from tv and radio :)
Yuna :)
Next we have The Azanders! which share the same vocalist with Bunkface. I must say that they are the one who starts the crowds and noise of the night! The song is powerful and Sam is such a great entertainer. Hubby was impressed and kind of layan jugak their songs. Oh..dont let me start on Bunkface. They're rocks!!
The Azenders
Next, we have Wonder Girls. We both are no fan for them but most of the crowds are. Will was asking one of the crowds who turns out a big fan from Johor and she can name each of the members of the groups. Korean freaks totally can enroll Koreans language.
Wonder Girls (hubby critics that he thought they are young but turns out not - told ya!)
The last (and most awaiting) artist is Hoobastank! We are waiting almost 40minutes for them (sound checking) but they have DJ D (from Red FM) and Prem (from FlyFM) to entertain us with songs.

We have Hoobastank yaw!
I was jumping and singing the song (that I know) for (most of) the time but person next in front and next (especially at my right) was not jumping at ALL! I belong to the front crowd. Haha. Actually we dont plan to stay for the whole concert but I dont know what makes us stay till Hoobastank. We just listen one song from the group and heading home.
Took some of the pictures around the concert area:
Toilets and of course the cab :P
Time kasih PETRONAS kasi free concert :D
Some banner for people awareness
Big balloons
I was sweating and my shirt was wet. Hubby on the other hand hardly sweats at all! My legs hurt and my back was aching badly (I have a heavy period that day). Mase concert tgh lompat2 xsakit plak kan. Hubby keep on asking me the whole concert 'penat x?' and everytime I said no, he said 'nnt balik bru rse penat kn' - turns out true. Aduh la~
It was awesome nights and we keep on talking about it the whole time heading home (especially about some annoying people and a Chinese guy who have his punk hair and cucuk2 hubby's face) :P
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