I'll be back in the office less than a month, thus I already start collecting the stock for Rauhah, starting yesterday. Hehe. Well, I should have done it earlier actually.
First problem is I don't have enough bottles and two, does my EBM stock will last, not ruin/effecting the milk for 3 hours journey from Kuantan-KL? That if the case Kuantan-KL, what if Besut-KL?
Done some research over internet and found that instead of bottle, I can use milk storage but again, what type of milk storage?how to store/keep the EBM last? There's a lot of type milk storage outside there; Autumnz, Jingle Jungle, Pegion, Suri, You Have A Baby and many more. I also found that there are people (this is a good motivator blog for BF, based on her experience) who keep the milk in normal plastic like bekas dadih and plastik aiskrim but I am not convinced enough that it is safe to keep the EBM inside since there's BPA, even they are not heating up the container.
As I am still at Kuantan, it is hard to find milk storage anywhere near the town. Buy it online is out of question since I need it urgently as I'm going back this weekend. I went to two stores, Tunas Manja Baby World and Manjaku. TMBW don't sell any and I know Autumnz have their product at Manjaku and TwinBaby. Unfortunately, I couldn't find TwinWorld (left GPS at home and I dont quite familiar with the town even I was born here) and Manjaku don't have any stock. Luckily, there's Pegion - the one and only milk storage available in Manjaku. Since I desperately need the milk storage, I just bought the item for RM29.00/25 pieces :(
Right now, I am keeping track my EBM stock by doing inventory, afraid that I lost count. Huhu. I only store 3oz, 4oz and 5oz for my stock. This amount should increase in time.
There are few options that I want to try keeping my EBM using other type of milk storage, like this lady used Suri, this used Autumnz and this used YHAB. I want to try to find the best milk storage that is more to economic and saved spaced in the fridge. I saw OneBabyWorld and BBstore have discount on milk storage items. Hope I can make time to buy these stuff when I'm back in KL. Mothercare also sold milk storage. Ahh..so much places to look for this item in KL.
Then, back to issue number two; bringing back my EBM to KL. Well, I found this blog that bring back her EBM from Perlis to KL. Amazing huh? So I can do the same too. Hopefully, there's space in our car later on.
Tick Tock Tick Tock
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Life is like a rainbow, you need both sun and rain to make its color appear
Showed this to Hubs and he guessed it's a pillow case. Ayah came over the kitchen and saw the same thing and he thought it's a mouse pad. So, you get my point for the title up there.
I started doing this at 12noon and finish it at 5pm. Wanna know why? Started baking and preparing the mixed ingredients, not long after Rauhah calling for milk, put her to sleep and cont. Then, mom is making nasi ayam today so cant wait any longer, set aside all the baking stuff. I just have to eat you know. Then continue baking. Stop again for prayers. After that, Rauhah calling for milk again.
See.. the long hours are justified. Haha.
Rainbow cake
This is my second attempt for making this cake. Honestly, I need to be extra diligent to do it since there's few layers and I have to do it one layer at a time (due to limitation of the pan).
I am super satisfied with the end result and you know what, Umie already asked me to do it again for this coming Raya Haji.
Gotta thanks this reference for the recipe :) Self note, be patient for waiting the hot cake to cool first, else it'll end up like this. Eatable but hideous!
This color reminds me of cookie monster :P
Couldn't find mascarpone cheese, thus replace with cream cheese. No powdered sugar used. Just normal sugar but I blend to make it fine. Easier when mixing it all in the mixture. All food coloring by Star brands. Next time, I think I'm going to try the food puree to get the organic color, and ohhh gotta use smaller pan to get thicker cake :P
So, who wants a bite?
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Two months Rauhah
I recognize she already has sleeping pattern but it didn't fixed from when till when. As long she had a long sleep (either day or night), she'll be fully awake for min 6 hours straight! Thank God no cranky panky;) but still, it worries me. Is it okay for a baby stays up so long?
She had her injection on Thursday and she's a very strong girl! Just cried a bit, then all smiling again. Went home and she sleep through out the day until the next morning (noon to be exact). Must be the med I think. Wake up for milking and change diapers. Thats all. Easy day for me, and Alhamdulillah, no fever :)
But yesterday was quite a trick. She wakes up around 12pm and sleeps at 2am! She did sleeps for about 5 min max but then wakes up again. Again, no cranky but just need someone to entertain her. Luckily I have my sisters around, else I'll be dried out.
And my baby is very bubbly these days! Such a talker!
She had her injection on Thursday and she's a very strong girl! Just cried a bit, then all smiling again. Went home and she sleep through out the day until the next morning (noon to be exact). Must be the med I think. Wake up for milking and change diapers. Thats all. Easy day for me, and Alhamdulillah, no fever :)
But yesterday was quite a trick. She wakes up around 12pm and sleeps at 2am! She did sleeps for about 5 min max but then wakes up again. Again, no cranky but just need someone to entertain her. Luckily I have my sisters around, else I'll be dried out.
And my baby is very bubbly these days! Such a talker!
This was taken around midnight -_-"
Monday, October 1, 2012
Aqiqah Rauhah
In case you didn't know Aqiqah is an Islamic ceremony whereby a parents will sacrifice an animal as a sign of thankful for a newborn. It is not mandatory but highly encourage. In our case, we had sacrifice a goat for our daughter and invited guests for lunch. In accordance to the Aqiqah, we did Marhaban and Cukur Jambul (both also not mandatory, more to a tradition).
Marhaban is where a group of people will praising Allah's for gracious in rhythmic. Cukur Jambul is an occasion in Malay tradition for a new horn first haircut. This been done while Marhaban take in place, together with few items been splattered on the baby. People will take turn removing few hair locks from the new born and after the ceremony, the whole hair will be shaved and weigh in. The hair weight will be used to transfer in the price of gold to be given to the needy as an alms.
Rauhah's Aqiqah happened on 1st September 2012 which I am still on my pantang days. Food catered by Haji Lazim, someone that Ayah knows and we have been ordering his cook since my engagement days. We had white rice, mixed vege, lamb curry, ayam masak merah, masak lemak nangka, sambal belacan and ulam.
Marhaban is where a group of people will praising Allah's for gracious in rhythmic. Cukur Jambul is an occasion in Malay tradition for a new horn first haircut. This been done while Marhaban take in place, together with few items been splattered on the baby. People will take turn removing few hair locks from the new born and after the ceremony, the whole hair will be shaved and weigh in. The hair weight will be used to transfer in the price of gold to be given to the needy as an alms.
Items for Cukur Jambul, every items have meaningful purpose in Malay tradition
Rauhah's Aqiqah happened on 1st September 2012 which I am still on my pantang days. Food catered by Haji Lazim, someone that Ayah knows and we have been ordering his cook since my engagement days. We had white rice, mixed vege, lamb curry, ayam masak merah, masak lemak nangka, sambal belacan and ulam.
There's dessert section where Umi ordered egg tarts, make pulut kuning with kari ayam, agar-agar, bahulu by Mama, bubur kacang courtesy from Haji Lazim, and muffin courtesy from Umi's friend. No food pictures since everyone was so busy handling guests and the event itself. The only picture that we have is only during marhaban and cukur jambul. Her pelamin was by someone that Umie knows, a very last minute decision. As for myself,I prepared the goodie bag with jelly and candies, Umi bought bunga telur and Mama prepared the pulut manis.
In my hometown, they have their own committee that handles marhaban, Yaasin recitation and cukur jambul. Thus, Umie just invited them for that day session. It started at 10am with the ladies recite Yaasin, followed by berendoi where they perform some poetry while the baby in baby swing (Malay tradition again), Marhaban and the last bit was the Cukur Jambul session.
Yaasin recitation and she's in her rocker
Rauhah was sleeping and everything was fine, until she wakes up in the middle of poetry. Syair die haru tau, tersentuh jiwa dengar macik-macik ni nyanyi. Tak ingat sangat lirik tapi memang meruntun. Aku baru feeling dengar ayat-ayat syair tau, tetiba bangun pulak nak susu. Luckily drama tak lama sangat. Give her milk and she's wide awake!
Cukur Jambul
The committees :)
Family photo! (more on FB)
It took almost 2 hours for the whole ceremony take in place. Such a tiring day for everyone but that's not all. Hubs have to shaved her hair and it took him 4 hours to do so (of course, few milking at a time and few people holding her). He's using normal shaver and damaged 3 shavers to finish Rauhah's hair :P
Tok Andak's holding Rauhah's while Hubs shaved her
The end result :P
That day was a very hot day and I'm afraid Rauhah is going to get fever due to the hotness and tiring day. At the end of the day, I ensured she get herself clean (just wipes her with wet towels), get enough direct breast milk, and sleep well. Alhamdulillah, she's a healthy and cheeky baby on the next day, though I feel weird looking at her bald head -_-"
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