The last check up was on Friday, 2 June and the scanning process was longer than before. We found out that the baby's head is not even close to cervix which means the baby somehow didnt show the sign to come out anytime near and I already 40weeks and 1day overdue. Contraction was there but very minimal. We can wait for another week but my AFL reading is on minimum level, so the doctor suggest that I go for an induced on Monday 5th June. The baby already weigh 4kg through the scan and I already doubting myself if I could do it normally. The doctor then did VE and convinced that I can deliver the baby from down there. Doctor pun yakin, so xde la nervous sgt nk push big baby.
CTG was scheduled everyday until the D-day and we went for a check up on the next day. This time the contraction reading is higher but still minor. I still manage to cook for berbuka and plan to make carbonara for that Saturday but around 5pm I started to feel the real contraction but again, I am doubting myself if it is real. Seriously, jadi tak reti nk branak this time. Haha. Better yet, routine masak basuh pinggan and kemas mana patut still buat dalam pada contraction tu. Konon nk tunggu lepas Isya' baru pergi ER tp tgh2 berbuka tu dah raise white flag. Makan pun slow je padahal lapar.
Pungpang2 dgn maghrib dulu and siapkan kids, pukul 9.15pm smpai ER. Time ni dah 7minutes interval tu pun still tak yakin lg sakit nk bersalin. Check CTG mcm biasa and after an hour baru nurse check opening and I am 6cm dilated. Husband wasnt around sebab kne jaga kiddos. Part ni lagilah rase tak yakin je tp buat2 la kuat smangat kan. But somehow rezeki tu ada, nurse asked her collegue to take care of the kids and Husband masuk labor room. Wah terus smangat. Haha.
I have the contraction but it wasnt that strong. Padahal buat VE dah 8cm dilated and somehow masuk ubat berak, doc break the water, baru rasa sakit gilaa and jadi tak reti lagi nk beranak. Time push pun, my leg tak relax and I was so kelam kabut nk let the baby out. Alhamdulillah with all the support from Husband and the rest of the team, the baby finally come out at 11.13pm. Husband kata lagi cepat this time for me nk push the baby tp why la rasa mcm lama. Probably sebab I was thinking too much and being calculative kot. Lol.
A healthy 3.81kg boy was born and praised to Allah for all the blessing He gave to us. May this little mujaheed become anak soleh and brings all the goodness for all of us. Amin.
ps: Last2 mmg keluar hari Sabtu pun :P cuma 40weeks 2days not during 38weeks like the rest :P