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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cheap Gym

I am begging and bugging hubby since quite a month to go to gym and finally he said 'pegilah' YEY! Tuhan jer tau mcm mne rse leganya bile dapat his approval without having arguments/tarik muka. But of course there's so many debates session we have to get things that I want. Haha.  

It's only one month contract (sape tak nak weh?) with the price of RM135 per person. Normally any gym offered contract of a year at least and you have to pay more than RM200 per month. Anyway, it's located at Boulevard Hotel Level 9.

I can't take the gym's picture but I have this swimming pool *droollll*

It's not that big la but can do lah for me, pegi time lunch time/after office hour. We have our Kinect exercise at home but I really want to try gym so bad. I havent sign up for the gym yet - at least not today sbb tak bwk all the attire. Tomorrow maybe. Hehe.

B, I love you much more for this!!!!

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