I am GBS carrier. Baru tahu ok. So start antibiotics on 37weeks for 7days and upon labor kene masuk antibiotics on drips for at least 2-4 hours in order for it to work. Works best if I arrived at 3cm dilated.
So on sunday morning around 4.30am terjaga rasa contractions. One thing for sure, kali ni kerap Braxton Hicks. No signs of other labor macam mucus plug or leakage. Tahu2 sakit. So bila rasa sakit tu, terfikir is this false alarm or the real one. Bila sakit yang terjaga tidur and cant continue sleeping tu, maka ya lah tu contractions. Sakit still bearable so tunggu subuh, basuh baju, pack baju kiddos since they will be staying at Mak Andaks (kids are not allowed in hospital, hence) kemas rumah yang patut so kitaorang gerak around 10am from Kerteh to Kuantan. Singgah beli McD for breakfast, drop the kids and sampai hospital around 11.30am.
Terus check in labor room, CTG shown contractions and Dr.Suraya ada at the hospital sebab ade another delivery next door. So layan contractions masa ni yakin je tak jauh lagi dilated, masuk antibiotics and Dr.Suraya come around 12.45pm check for opening. Surprise surprise I am 6cm dilated, water broke upon seluk and baby dah berak.
Nurse kabut prep for labor asking betul ke x de water breaks and all other signs sebab dah jauh dilated. Sakit pun still ok lg sampai rasa nak tidur tp nurse keluar masuk tnyr kalau nk berak bgtahu. 1.15pm rasa nk lelap tp mcm nk berak tp eh hilang. Lepas tu duk main rasa2 gitu, check jam 2min interval. Terus decide hmm nk beranak kot boleh la panggil. The team prep semua pukul 1.35pm a 3.43kg boy came out. Suara alahai manjanya nangis. Haha.
- Hadif Muhammad Hafiz
Alhamdulillah for another smooth delivery. Husband wasnt around this time sebab die tak buat Covid test. Me myself kene buat la kalau tak, whole team dlm labor room kene pakai PPE. Husband tunggu kat wad dah and bila masuk je muka die 'Eh..dah ke?' sebab we both expect dlm pukul 3pm ke atas mcm Aqil dulu.
Stayed for a night together with Husband. Kesian pulak tidur atas kerusi je. Thank you walau takde dalam labor room tp teman kat hospital pon besar rahmat.
Kids ok duduk dgn Tok Andak dorang. Alhamdulillah for the supporting family yang willing jaga the kids. The kids was excited seeing the baby masa sampai rumah. The best response was Aqil dengan muka happy turned confused 'Eh macam mana baby dah keluar?' while tengok perut Ibu tengok baby. Haha.
Ada toy je happy
Rauhah mcm biasa memang suka budak so most of the time she helps taking care the baby. Kejap2 nk pegang baby. Uwais tak reti tapi happy je. Alhamdulillah.
wahhh.. congratulation on ur number 4 nok.. and selamat berpantang yo.. :) :)
lama aku tak jenguk blog ko. akunye blog baru andelynda.wordpress.com
fiza pun comment mana bleh aku tak komen. haha..
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