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Wednesday, April 20, 2011


We are passing through Bandar Kuala Terengganu and suddenly Hubby showed me that there's this place selling a lot of kuih that he himself lost count of it. I said he's lying so to show that he's not, we stop at the kedai and show me the place.

Well, to my surprise he's not exaggerating!

They sells some of mee as well

Bread, cakes, tauhu, tarts

Kuih Melaka, agar-agar

Sandwiches, roti jala kuah kari, kuah kelabu?

It's located in front of Hospital Kuala Terengganu and next to traffic light at the junction. You have to look it carefully cause I dont see the name of this kedai. It's a place where you want to find your evening meal. 

Hubby gets himself mini murtabak and kuih cara while myself with Temosa and I-dont-know-what's-the-name :P

Hasil tangkapan :P

Temosa: Looks like karipap but inti ikan ngn kelapa. My all time favourite!

I-dont-know-what's-the-name but this one also my favorite. Haha

These two kuih I ate since my childhood and been my favourite. Ayah always buys me temosa whenever I am home but that kuih I-dont-know-what's-the-name hardly to find. Even temosa pun tak jual kat KL tau. Pantai Timur je ade kuih ni.

I love East Coast cause we have beautiful beaches and many food that none of it sold anywhere. Ha..sape kate Penang bnyk food. Hey, datang Pantai Timur la kalau nak kenal the unknown food! Haha.

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