Showed this to Hubs and he guessed it's a pillow case. Ayah came over the kitchen and saw the same thing and he thought it's a mouse pad. So, you get my point for the title up there.
I started doing this at 12noon and finish it at 5pm. Wanna know why? Started baking and preparing the mixed ingredients, not long after Rauhah calling for milk, put her to sleep and cont. Then, mom is making nasi ayam today so cant wait any longer, set aside all the baking stuff. I just have to eat you know. Then continue baking. Stop again for prayers. After that, Rauhah calling for milk again.
See.. the long hours are justified. Haha.
Rainbow cake
This is my second attempt for making this cake. Honestly, I need to be extra diligent to do it since there's few layers and I have to do it one layer at a time (due to limitation of the pan).
I am super satisfied with the end result and you know what, Umie already asked me to do it again for this coming Raya Haji.
Gotta thanks this reference for the recipe :) Self note, be patient for waiting the hot cake to cool first, else it'll end up like this. Eatable but hideous!
This color reminds me of cookie monster :P
Couldn't find mascarpone cheese, thus replace with cream cheese. No powdered sugar used. Just normal sugar but I blend to make it fine. Easier when mixing it all in the mixture. All food coloring by Star brands. Next time, I think I'm going to try the food puree to get the organic color, and ohhh gotta use smaller pan to get thicker cake :P
So, who wants a bite?
1 comment :
jazakallahu khairan for visiting. the cake looks fabulous. its an all time favourite among my mom's cucus :)
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