Actually we were thinking of getting another board to store stuff that has been bothering us at one of the side of the house. So to keep things more neat, Hubs decide to get one big closet to keep them inside. To our luck, we manage to get both, our closet and baby closet as well. Not as big as we imagine but enough to make the space neat.
Lampu kat area bersepah tu rosak, so couldn't get a good picture of it but the main purpose it to get all the baby stuff nicely put in the closet. Kan hari tu da beli baju and do some laundry kan? Turns out ade berape helai je la hai yang dapatnyer. Seminggu pakai je kot baju babyku ini.
Hanger banyak kemain tapi baju tu je dulu :P
Barang-barang baby ni banyak yang kiut miut so xbanyak makan space (so far) but enough to makes me thinking of getting another organized storage :P
Mittens and boots campak disini sebab xtau nak lipat camne -_-"
Campur barang mak ngan anak :P
There's actually four drawers for baby storage tapi so far ini dululah yer. Menda lain tak tau lagi. Rase macam beli banyak benda je hari tu tapi bile dah susun-susun ni, tak banyak lah pulak. Takpe. Kite save for the future pulak yer.
sronoknye future parent... insyaallah both of u akn jadi very good mummy n daddy kn..
wow ain...that baby cupboard sangat cute...
dah nak dekat dah ni...
@linda: aminnnnn
@peah: ehe. tenkiu!
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