I had pump party everyday in the office, did you know that? Haha. At least there's three or four people in Surau when I came in :P That's in HQ but back in my real office, there are four similar faces who'll be using the mini Surau that we had at our floor. It's kind of fun actually when you have person who you can talk to on breastfeeding. You know, stuff like 'my breast is hurt because this and this' or 'did you know that you can apply your own milk to heal nipple crack?'
Changing knowledge and experience while pumping is like two in one package. Wait, three if it includes resting time :P
I manage to pump 19oz the first day I work and I ensure that I had pump twice a day in the office, at least - morning/after lunch/before go back. Then the amount decreasing the next day and I realize that's the max I could get so far. In average I could only have 15oz per day and that is sufficient for the next day fresh stock for Rauhah.
I usually rotate my frozen stock one bag per day. So she'll have one bottle of milk from frozen stock and the rest are all fresh milk. I hope I could continue keeping this phase of pumping session and please Tuhan, I want to bf my child until she's two. Amin.
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