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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lasagna yang huduh tapi lazat

Emosi tau buat lazat-nya ni. Kat kotak xde tulis pun suruh rendam. Kat reference blog xde pon ckp. Tipu! Tipu! Ni tak suke research resipi bergurukan google neh. Mmg try and error lah. Tp takpe. Usaha tangga kejayaan. Ewah :P

Kimah already made one when all of us was far away from Besut (tak aci). Hubby make her made it again but end up both of us do it on our own. Haha. Banyak kali call Kimah (as she was away ikut Ma g pasar) 'Kulit die ni kne rendam ke?' 'Bekas nk taruk gune mane?' 'Mushroom kat mane?' 'Bawang india ade x?' Gune semua barang yg die dah beli earlier. We just bought, preggo, mince meat and mozarella cheese.

1. Mule2 cincang bawang putih ngn bawang besar.

2. Takde bombay onion. Melayu onion je ade. Tumis, taruk daging, sos prego, pepper, garam.

Same ingredient macam spagetti but lg menarik kalau taruk capsicum. Cara masak pun same, except we choose Mushroom Preggo (tin kaler ijo). Pastu lg bes kalau taruk tomato. Ktorg nyer lasagna, versi cincai. So bnyk brg xde. Hehe.

Gune San Remo!

3. Taruk minyak/butter kat bekas and lapis with the sheets > daging yg da masak td > mushrooms > cheese. Ulang sampai puas hati :P

4. Oh..patut gune bekas petak since the lasagna sheet is square tp Hubby rembat saje bekas mane yg ade :P Bakar for 40/45 min with 180degree. (kalau rse xmasak/lembik lg, bakar lame lg)

 Kawan2, jangan taruk sheet on top sebab ia akan mengerekot selepas dibakar dlm oven!

Lihat! Kimah ckp boleh je taruk tp kne make sure the sheets betul2 lembik and end it with LOTS of cheese

5. Buang kulit yang tak menyelerakan tu and ready to eat!

 Rezeki ayam

Rezeki ktorang. Wuwut!

Ikutlah steps yang bernombor bg anda yang rse2 yakin akan resipi ini. Muahhaha! (hey, rupe huduh tp laku tau) Tp xmo buat dah. Speghetti lg menarik. Kalau nk makan lasagna tu beli je la kat pizza ke ape. Confirm sedap. Haha!

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