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Thursday, July 15, 2010

15 July 2010

Misi Lollipop sudah berjaya! Walaupun bengang sebab xdpt harga same ngn blogger itu tp saya puas hati sebab lolli itu sedap *wink2*

Ade picture tp card reader saya tah kemane perginyer. Ish! Tp xpe. Mr.Fiancee tolong uploadkan nnt (bleh yerh? bleh yerh?)

We ordered 150 pieces for 30g and 150 pieces for 15g. Saya rse nnt akan berlaku pergaduhan sbb berebut lollipop besar. Huhu. Maaflah, lollipop besar mahal okay! Hehe~

Have a bad news with our taker for kerusi+meja kat dewan. Turns out the guy (we called him Mat Yie) business is a fraud. Die sudah tipu manyak orang woo. Sep bek la Umie bru bayar deposit RM100 dulu hari tu. Mmg ingt nk byr terus dah. No wonder la tak pernah return call/sms!

I think the last time his kedai bukak is when Umie met him tu. Then die bungkus cabut lari. Some part of me feel blessed sbb we've been alert earlier. Klu jd da dkat2 majlis camne? On the day itself? Ha..nauzubillah!

This news coming from Angah. Umie hasnt tell me yet. I think she wants to find the replacement first, so that I wont worry much. Hmm..

Semoga Allah memudahkan segala urusan kami. Amin :)

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