Alert! Kepada b2b yg nk buat majlis di Kuantan, I would suggest you go to Cowboy Jalan Wong Ah Jang first before you go to Nilai 3. Option sangat banyak which I think there's no need for you to go to Nilai.
Ouh..sangat sakit hati bile tgk harga kat Cowboy lagi murah. Macam ada 1bunga maggar yang ada 10batang cost less than rm5 compared the one dkat Nilai yang boleh reach up to rm20+. Sangat ridiculous! I know. Even the coins bag pun ada! Macam2 jenis, macam2 color.
I could say Nilai 3 is not that interesting anymore. Even angah said, Umie da check the same coins bag kat Kelantan, way cheaper than kat Cowboy tu. So, b2b Pantai Timur, xyah g Nilai ok. Tempat sendiri pon ade but you just have to know which kedai yang jual :)
Sile lihat ape da jadi dgn VIP gift saye.
From this
to this
Susah okay nk decide. One is cute but Umie saya cakap tak cukup menarik (T_T) I really want my wedding to be VERY simple but its hard to do that sebab Umie saya ni la. Die mau grand sume. Adeh. At first saya mau wrap mcm tu je. Then Umie suggest beli bunga kecik tampal kat ribbon tu and the thank you note jugak. Pening jadinyer. Last2..paper bag tu the finalized. Tu pun dia bising sebab color kelabu sangat.
Ouh..photographer pun sudah decide! Saya amek shasmanizam. Penat dah cari. Last option da tuh. Huhu. Mari berharap semuanya turns up good. Amin :)
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